In the framework of its “6th Framework Programme” the EU Commission has decided to launch a research “Network of Excellence” on “Reasoning on the Web” entitled REWERSE (for REasoning on the WEb with Rules and SEmantics).
The objective of REWERSE is to strengthen Europe in the area of reasoning languages for Web systems and applications, especially Semantic Web systems and applications aiming at enriching the current Web with so-called intelligent capabilities for data and service retrieval, composition, and processing.
REWERSE involves 27 European research and industry organizations and about 100 computer science researchers and professionals playing key roles in applied reasoning. The EU Commission will support REWERSE with more than 5 Million Euros over 4 years. In this project, we are co-coordinating the bioinformatics subgroup.
We are involved in the Working Group A2: “Adding Semantics to the Bioinformatics Web.”