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University Freiburg Logo



Bioinformatic Utilities - BIU


This C++ programming library provides classes and functions often used in the bioinformatics context of our group. It collects data structures and class hierarchies for biomolecule modeling and general useful functionalities as program parameter parsing, string conversions, etc.

Current Status

For a full list of features, see documentation.



You can download the BIU-library including configure scripts:

Contributing Group Members

Energy Landscape Library - ELL


The ELL-library provides a platform for generic algorithms to study kinetics and structure of energy landscapes with discrete states. These algorithms need an abstract representation of these states to be applied to a multitude of state instances and their corresponding energy or fitness landscapes.

Main Publications

Current Status

Generic Algorithms
Landscape Models
General Features

For a full list of features, see documentation.



You can download the ELL-library including configure scripts and documentation:

For installation instructions, see documentation and the included INSTALL file.


The ELL depends on the following libraries:

Contributing Group Members

RNA Energy Landscape Tools

barrier tree

Based on the energy landscape library, a set of tools to investigate the structure and topology of RNA energy landscapes has been implemented. These programs allow for:


You can download the RNA energy landscape tools including configure scripts and documentation:

For installation instructions, see the included INSTALL file.


The RNA energy landscape tools depend on the following libraries:

Contributing Group Members