Institute of Computer Science
University Freiburg

Lecture Bioinformatik I


Lecture: Rolf Backofen, Martin Raden, Dilmurat Yusuf, Florian Eggenhofer
Exercise: Florian Heyl, Teresa Müller, Rick Gelhausen


Topic and Objectives

This is an introductory lecture to bioinformatics and is mandatory for the group's advanced lectures in bioinformatics.

The topics of the course include sequence alignment and comparison, Markov Chain models, and building phylogenetic trees.

Objectives: The course shall give an overview of basic bioinformatics topics and understanding of some fundamental algorithms. The special focus of the course is on sequence analysis.


Although the course requires a basic understanding of molecular biology, an introduction to the necessary foundations is also given in the respective lectures.

Enrolled students agree to ...

When you enroll for this course, you agree to the following general set-up:

Rosalind implementation tasks

Schedule and Material

Algorithm implementations

We observe that the deepest understanding of the course content is gained by implementing the introduced algorithms. In order to cross-check the results of personal implementations and to enable a fast example generation and study, we offer Javascript-based implementations and visualizations for most of the algorithms via the Freiburg RNA tools - Teaching webserver.


Substitution matrices